Volunteers play a vital role in our crew and we simply couldn't deliver our events without them! So today we wanted to shine a spotlight on one of our volunteers who has been with us from the very beginning!
Jeff joined the Front Runner Crew back in 2014 at the inaugural JCP Swansea Half Marathon and has been helping at our events across Wales ever since! Anyone who meets Jeff will know how much of a character he is and how much fun he brings to our events, but there's more to Jeff than meets the eye as you'll discover on our Q&A with him...
What is it you like most about being a volunteer?
Being part of a team and delivering an event that brings so much pleasure to thousands of different people
How young are you?
I am 75 years of age and retired.
What are your interests?
My main sporting interests are football, running, and cycling. I played football until my late 60’s when my knees finally said . . NO MORE !! Running also stopped at about 70 when my back joined forces with my knees to reinforce the message that my body was hurting. Luckily, I can still cycle and breathe so things aren’t that bad!
What's your background?
My main career spanned over 30 years and was involved with radio communications, mainly with the three emergency services and The MoD. I trained initially as an engineer looking after numerous radio installations throughout the country before transferring into our Public Safety sector where I worked closely alongside the three major emergency services in a sales, advisory, and training capacity. I then went on to perform a similar role working with the MoD and other defence agencies.
How do you feel supported in your role as a volunteer?
Tremendously well supported by fellow team members and all involved with Frontrunner Events.
Has anything surprised you or have you learnt something in particular during your time volunteering at our events?
Without a doubt, the biggest thing that I’ve learnt is the huge amount of work required to put on a race event. Co-ordinating the local authority, emergency services, traffic management teams, race authorities, volunteers, and many others is an art form in itself.
What is your favourite part of volunteering at our events?
Easy answer. Hearing competitors saying “thank you marshal” as they pass by. Makes it feel that all the hard work you put in is actually recognised by the most important people on the day - the runners.
What are you passionate about?
Music is another huge part of my life. Used to play drums and the keyboard in a small band. My keyboard skills were of the same level as my cooking skills . . takes years of practice to boil a banana successfully!
What top tips or advice would you give anyone thinking about becoming a Race Maker?
Just get stuck in! The more enthusiastic you are the more the runners appreciate it and will respond back to you. A noisy Race Maker is a good Race Maker.
If you would like to join the Front Runner Crew at any of our events then please get in touch with the team by emailing: volunteers@frontrunnerevents.co.uk